Historic Event Opening a New Epoch in Anti-Colonial Struggle for National Liberation

August 15, 1945!

It is the day when the Korean people accomplished the historic cause of national liberation, terminating the 40-odd-year-long Japanese colonial rule through the arduous struggle of anti-Japanese revolution.

This day is also kept in minds of the Korean people as well as the oppressed people in the world as an honourable day when the new road for liberating humankind and nation was paved, shattering the chains of colonial slavery and regaining all rights.

The first half of the 20th century was the period when the people waged a fierce struggle for national freedom and independence everywhere across the world, and the issue of illuminating the path to national liberation was raised as a fatal and pressing one.

Just at this time, President Kim Il Sung took the Juche-oriented standpoint, i.e. the Korean revolution should be carried out by dint of the strength of our own people and according to the specific conditions of our country. From this stand, he organized and expanded an intensive anti-Japanese armed struggle, thus defeating imperialism, the formidable enemy which was armed to teeth, and bringing about a fundamental change in the fate of the nation and status of the country. This was a brilliant example of anti-colonial struggle for national independence.

The great Juche idea and the line on waging an organized armed struggle ushered in a new era in the history of anti-colonial struggle for national liberation that had mainly taken the form of petition, protest, uprising, riot or other kind.

Organization and expansion of armed struggle mainly based on guerrilla war, formation of anti-Japanese national united front, resistance of the whole nation and other experiences gained in the fierce anti-Japanese revolutionary war provided a precious asset for other oppressed nations across the world in their struggle to achieve sovereign independence.

Therefore, world revolutionary people who were struggling for independence against imperialism and national independence highly praised the brilliant example of anti-Japanese revolutionary war organized and led by President Kim Il Sung and they came to meet our President one after another in order to learn the valuable fighting experiences.

Samora Moises Machel, first President of Mozambique achieved the country’s independence after having received valuable teachings from President Kim Il Sung on armed struggle.

On that historic day, he opened his heart as follows at the meeting in celebration of the victory:

We achieved liberation, shaking off the fate of slavery because the great hero President Kim Il Sung illuminated our way ahead. We also feel obliged to extend our gratitude to President Kim Il Sung, carrying combined hearts of our ancestors who shed their blood and laid down their lives for today.

These remarks from the bottom of his heart were a surge of world progressive people’s gratitude towards President Kim Il Sung who achieved immortal exploits in the cause of national liberation of oppressed people.

The feats on national liberation by President Kim Il Sung, who opened up a new era of Juche Korea and created a worldwide example of anti-colonial struggle for national independence, will shine forever century after century.