For Clean Environment

Today, the rapid destruction of natural environment has led to frequent occurrence of abnormal climate conditions posing serious threat to the existence of humankind.

So, environmental issues are arising as one of the important issues that humankind should resolve immediately, and many countries are taking active measures with great attention.

Our country, too, regards environmental protection as an important and responsible work to make the country’s landscape beautiful, protect and increase the resources, protect the people’s lives and health, and provide them with good living conditions. And nationwide attention and investment are being committed to this task.

Saying that the country cannot afford to hesitate on the matter of afforestation as 80% of it is covered in mountains, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un announced forest restoration work as a battle against nature and, through his wise leadership, is ensuring that the entire country turn out in this grand campaign and carry it through dynamically.

In February 2015, he presented a clear task and ways to transform all the mountains of the country into “golden” and “treasure” mountains. And taking command of the forest restoration campaign himself, he is now taking the helm in bringing about a fundamental change in afforestation work.

In March last year, he personally planted a tree on the construction site of residential apartments in Pyongyang with the participants of the Second Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the WPK. He guided the leading officials to take the initiative in planting trees for a greener future of the DPRK, thus raising an atmosphere for tree-planting across the entire country.

Not only are afforestation projects carried out in the DPRK under special attention of the Party and State, but so are the ones for land and environmental protection such as river improvement, land management and anti-pollution. In this course, the appearance of the country is changing day by day.

Thanks to the right policy of our Party and State on protection of land and environment, “Law of the DPRK on Protection of Environment” and many other laws and regulations on environment – Law on Prevention of Air Pollution, Law on Assessment of Environmental Impact, Law on Prevention of Marine Pollution, Law on Handling Wastes, Law on Prevention of Pollution in River Taedong, Law on Protection of Useful Animals – have been enacted. All of these are helping the environmental protection work for people.

Our people, regarding the environmental protection as an important work to hand the eternal asset down to the next generations, are sparing no effort to this end and making devoted efforts to bring earlier the future when people will enjoy all good fortunes in the best social and natural environment.