Our National Flag

The September 9th marks the 75th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Looking upon the blue and red national flag of our Republic flying high in the sky on this meaningful day, our people recollect with deep emotion the immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung, the father of the nation, who built a powerful country that is independent, self-sufficient and self-reliant in defense, and presented its symbol –the prestigious national flag – to our people.

One day in January 1948, with the founding of our Republic a few months away, President Kim Il Sung met the design team of national flag. He stressed that the deciding on the national flag is the national affairs of great significance in glorifying the dignity and honor of our country, previously dimmed on the world map, and exalting the national pride and self-esteem of our people. He also gave detailed instructions, personally drawing the flag design in the way of intensively reflecting the sovereignty of the Republic as well as the aspiration of the people and national superiority.

On this very day, President Kim Il Sung emphasized that the national flag should express the noble patriotic spirit of the Korean communists who heroically fought a prolonged armed battle against the Japanese imperialists for the liberation of motherland. He said that the flag should also reflect the patriotic zeal and invincible power of the Korean people who would unite firmly behind the Party and devote their all for the unified independence and prosperity of the fatherland as well as the global peace and progress, and the characteristics of our people as a homogeneous nation who lived uprightly in the same country with same lineage, language and culture.

He instructed the designers to properly balance the ratio of the flag and place a five-pointed star to it so that it can depict the tradition carried forward by our Republic, the resourceful spirit of the advancing Korean people and the fatherland’s brilliant prospect of development.

Under the meticulous guidance and attention of the President, our national flag was wonderfully made into an entirely new Korean style which differs from that of any other country in terms of its content and appearance of today.

Upholding the flag of the Republic that was presented by President Kim Il Sung, our people defended the dignity, honor and sovereignty of the Republic as well as the environment of the independent development of the country by defeating the U.S. imperialists in the Fatherland Liberation War in the 1950s.

In a short span of time after the war, our people established an independent, self-sufficient and self-reliant socialist fortress, the people’s paradise on the ruins of war, demonstrating the spirit of Chollima Korea to the world, and vigorously advanced along the only path of Juche even in the late 20th century, the grim period when the socialist countries collapsed one after another.

It is our people’s invariable iron will to hold the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem and glorify forever our proud national flag that had been handed over by President Kim Il Sung and have fluttered following Chairman Kim Jong Il.