Jong Il Peak

Jong Il Peak, named after the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, stands high behind his native home in the Paektusan Secret Camp.

The peak, 1 798 metres above sea level, is located by the Sobaek Stream in Paektusanmilyong-dong, Samjiyon, Ryanggang Province.

Jong Il Peak inscribed in red letters on white granite slabs is clearly visible from his native home.

The peak is green all the year round with Khingan fir, Yedo spruce and Korean spruce, but the cliff inscribed with the letters is beautifully decorated with azaleas and Rhododendron in spring and turns red with maples in autumn.

Situated in an alpine area as it is, the peak has a peculiar natural environment and abundant flora that can be seen only in these vast primitive forests.

About 300 species of plants including more than 90 species of edible plants, such as osmunda and lance asiabell, and over 70 species of medicinal herbs, such as wild insam, pilose asiabell and Ganoderma, grow at the foot of the peak.

In particular, the peak and the Sobaeksu Valley are filled with the strong characteristic fragrance of the aromatic plants such as fiveribbed thyme and lilac in spring and that of bog bilberry and other fruits in autumn.

The most spectacular natural scene of Jong Il Peak is the peak itself dyed in the morning glow and hoar frost in February.

The perennial Sobaek Stream meanders around Kim Jong Il’s native home, and slogan-bearing trees and other relics from the period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle are preserved around the peak.