It Is Not a Dream

In the capital city of Pyongyang, DPRK, you can see a modern terraced houses district, called Kyongru-dong which means a village of beautiful gems.

Just as it sounds, the village is really gorgeous. It is skirted by the gentle stream of the Pothong River, and the walkways in the green wood evoke deep and pleasant feelings.

What is surprising is that the residents here are ordinary working people; among them are a weaver at a textile mill, a couple of trolley-bus drivers, a scientist who has been engaged in research work all his life, a teacher, a man of literature, etc.

Valuing their honest devotion to the country’s prosperity, the state provided them with such excellent flats for free.

The residents say they feel as if they were in a dream.

At the moment the Koreans are wont to say “dreamlike” when they refer to policies of the state. But it is not a dream. It is a reality of happiness that the state makes for the people, regarding selfless, devoted service for their good as the mode of its existence.

Kyongru-dong used to be the site of the residence of President Kim Il Sung, founder of the DPRK and its first head of state.