Korean Silk

Korean silk, with its long history, is the main material for Korean clothes. It is widely known across the world for its light and durable quality, beautiful patterns, gentle sheen and soft feel.

Korean silk originated in ancient times, and the technology of its production made major advance during the Koryo dynasty in the Middle Ages. For this reason Korean silk was known to the outside world as Koryo silk. The kinds of silk produced in that period included oaju (silk white in colour) and johwaju (silk with beautiful colours of the morning glow), and they were exported as far as to the Arabian region, let alone the neighbouring countries.

Today the modern silk production bases in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are producing various kinds of high-quality silk in an industrial way.

Korean silk gives a cool feel in summer and warm feel in winter. It is not easily wrinkled and soft to touch. For these qualities it is used as material for clothes as well as for quilts.