International Women’s Day in the DPRK

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea celebrates the International Women’s Day (March 8) as a national holiday.

Greeting this day, phrase-bearing boards, posters and beautiful flower beds decorate the streets which are thick with spring atmosphere. Mass media broadcast much more programmes dealing with women including meritorious workers, scientists, teachers and Mother Heroes. Colourful artistic performances by famous artistes and dance parties by women workers are held in the theatres and squares in the capital city of Pyongyang and provinces.

Everywhere, be it families, villages or workplaces, women are masters of the day, receiving bouquets presented to them by their husbands, children and male colleagues and officials of their factories and enterprises. Souvenir shops, flower shops and cosmetics counters are bustling with men buying congratulatory cards, souvenirs and flowers for their wives, mothers and sisters.

Families or friends have photos taken with women at the centre in streets, workplaces and scenic spots. Renowned restaurants in Pyongyang like Okryu Restaurant, Chongnyu Restaurant and Pyongyang Noodle House arrange special meals for meritorious women workers and other working women.

Women in colourful national costumes add the flavour of spring to streets.

Women in this country are respected as flowers of their families, of society and of the country.