Advanced Law on Providing the Children’s Rights

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea regards the work for new generations as the most important work of the Party and the state.

The Law on Providing the Children’s Rights of the DPRK contributes to providing the rights and interests of children to the full in all fields of social life, education, public health, family and judicature by further developing the system of providing the children’s rights.

Article 8 of the law stipulates that the state, in accordance with the principle of “All the best things for the children!” shall provide, on preferential basis, the best possible things necessary for children’s health, education and life.

The Third Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea held in June 2021 discussed the issue of improving the Party’s childcare policy as a major item of the agenda, and set up the policy to supply nutritious foodstuffs including dairy products to all the children across the country at the state expense.

Article 23 stipulates that children exercise their right to the universal 12-year compulsory education and the education is enforced free of charge. Children learn to their heart’s content at the bases for schoolchildren’s extracurricular activities such as the students’ and children’s palaces, children’s camps, schoolchildren’s halls built throughout the country.

The law also stipulates that children have the right to complete and universal free medical care. In the DPRK the state bears all the expenses for diagnosis, laboratory test, medicine, inpatient service, trip to and from and stay in sanatoria, checkup, consultation, vaccination and prosthesis for all the children.

Article 31 stipulates that the state brings up the children, who have neither parents nor guardians, at baby homes, orphanages and schools for orphans at state expenses. The DPRK has built modern baby homes and orphanages in the excellent places in various parts of the country so that children can live a merry life free from worries.