Ongoing spurs to the developing maritime

These days safe shipping on cleaner oceans attracts great attention of the world.

Given this, the DPRK ensures that the national maritime undertakings are fulfilled in compliance with the international standards so as to contribute to the national maritime development.

The Maritime Administration of the DPRK is responsible for control and governance of all the legal, administrative and technical activities to ensure safety of persons and ships and pollution prevention at seas, rivers and lakes. In the past seventy years or so after its foundation, the Maritime Administration of the DPRK evolved into an independent governmental agency responsible for governing and leading the scientific development of all the national maritime activities including ships survey and inspection, seafarers qualification, marine environmental protection, maritime search and rescue, marine casualty investigation and port facility security. It ensures the harmonized development of the whole national maritime by fostering cooperation between the Ministry of Land and Marine Transport, Hydrographic Department of the DPRK, State Hydro-meteorological Administration, Korea Classification Society, Korea Maritime Certification Center and other entities involved in implementation and enforcement of the national maritime related laws and regulations. It represents the DPRK in international organizations including the International Maritime Organization and the International Mobile Satellite Organization. It fully discharges its obligations and responsibilities as the maritime authority of the flag, coastal and port State under the international maritime instruments.

The 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea considered and adopted significant measures to further develop the national maritime control and governance. These days, the Maritime Administration of the DPRK focuses on appropriate actions to effectively implement the Protocol of 1992 to Amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969, as the DPRK acceded to the Protocol on 13 July 2021.

“In our country, the national maritime development is in great interest of the government as well as the Workers’ Party of Korea,” said Mr. Nam Hyon Il, Deputy Director General, Maritime Administration of the DPRK. “The 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea adopted some important decisions upon the national maritime control. Now the nation-wide attention is being paid to the effective implementation of these decisions. I think that we, maritime personnel, have pivotal roles to play in the national maritime development. We are firmly determined to do our best to live up to the great expectations of the Party and State as the National Economic Development 5-year Plan sets forth enormous objectives for the ever-developing maritime.”