Regulations on Safety of Ships’ Navigation updated

The Regulations on Safety of Ships’ Navigation were recently adopted by the Cabinet Decision No.75. The Cabinet of the DPRK enacted these Regulations to ensure safety of persons, ships and cargoes in compliance with the Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on Ship Safety.

The Regulations on Safety of Ships’ Navigation, aiming at establishing a strict and sound working system for navigational safety of ships, were adopted by the Cabinet Decision No. 97 in Juche 104 (2015) and, later on, were updated on several occasions to keep pace with the times. They consist of 8 chapters including 118 articles to stipulate detailed systems, procedures and methodologies of ensuring safe navigation of ships by providing requirements concerning ship security, ship reporting, maritime traffic service, preparation of ships for safe navigation, cargo and oil handling onboard ships, safety of onboard working, maintaining of safe navigation, emergency response, operation of passenger ships, excursion ships, pleasure boats, ferries and other types of ships, etc. Further they stipulate updated penalties on any violation of these Regulations which may cause marine accidents or jeopardize ships’ safety.

The updating of the Regulations on Safety of Ships’ Navigation reinforces the existing legal foundation to ensure that safety of life, property and ships at sea is further promoted and that the DPRK fully discharges its obligations under the IMO instruments.