Celebrating the festivals in April

Korean people were even happier than ever before to meet April this year marked by Kim Il Sung’s 110th birthday. Officials of the Maritime Administration, DPRK (MA) had the great honor to celebrate the April festivals together with respected Comrade Kim Jong Un amid the exciting festive atmosphere prevailing all over the country.

With the Day of the Sun approaching, MA officials participated in the inaugural ceremonies of the newly built Songhwa Street and Pothonggang Riverside Terraced Houses District in presence of Kim Jong Un. Seeing him enjoying the housewarming parties with the ordinary people just like their father, MA officials renewed their idea that Kim Jong Un’s political doctrine of considering people as the God is not a poster but the reality of this blessed land. At the same time, they felt proud of having contributed to the construction of the new streets by ensuring the safe waterborne transport last year.

On 15 April, they attended the demonstration in celebration of the Day of the Sun in presence of Kim Jong Un to give full play to their revolutionary will and spirit of immortalizing Kim Il Sung’s great achievements. The demonstration made them feel proud of being people of the DPRK, dignified power led by Kim Jong Un.

Koreans’ festive zeal ran the highest in the Military Parade in celebration of the 90th anniversary of foundation of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army which was held in an unprecedently splendid way thanks to Kim Jong Un’s extraordinary leadership. The welcoming crowd including MA officials gave thundering cheers to Kim Jong Un to thank him for realizing the ninety-year-ago dreams of the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners.

Besides, MA officials were invited to different parties, meetings and art performances including the stamp exhibition, fine art exhibition and art festival to celebrate the national holidays in April. Now all the MA officials are striving in a body to turn this year into the year of the great change in the national maritime, feeling blissfully happy and highly honored by having celebrated the greatest national holidays together with Kim Jong Un and the entire people all over the country like one family.