For Prompt Response to Marine Weather Warnings

Officials and workers of the Maritime Administration of the DPRK who have turned out in the struggle for implementation of decisions set forth by the fifth plenary meeting of the eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, are making preparations to prevent any damage likely to be caused by disastrous abnormal weather.

The Administration makes endeavors to impress the officials and workers with the significance and importance of protecting the country’s precious assets against storm and flood, while taking necessary measures. 

It has forwarded the Guidelines for Responding to Marine Weather Warnings to be followed by maritime administration organs at all levels in case of marine weather warnings of very severe, severe or moderate degree and tightens its control and supervision over the implementation of the guidelines.

The Administration is also concentrating its efforts on establishing a practicable command system for marine emergency control and bridging every possible gap in its preparations so as to promptly respond to any circumstances.

In close cooperation with relevant entities, it also implements such technical measures as to designate, beforehand, places of refuge for ships and to confirm their sheltering capacity taking into account the physiographical and marine meteorological conditions.  

Much emphasis is being put on keeping on standby command ships to promptly proceed to the relevant sea area to ensure effective communication between local administration organs and all the ships proceeding en route or located in the places of refuge at the time of marine weather warnings and on improving technical capacity of the seafarers to be served onboard those command ships.