It Is Really a Dreamland

On July 30, 76 years ago, our women could become the legitimate masters of society for the first time in the history of five thousand years. With the promulgation of the Law on Gender Equality, they could exercise equal rights with men in all spheres of political, economic and cultural life.

The Law on Gender Equality is the great law of loving, respecting and valuing women which President Kim Il Sung personally wrote provision by provision after having taken into full consideration the long-cherished burning desire of our women to get rid of all sorts of contempt, maltreatment, feudal oppression and humiliation.

Since then, our women have been completely freed from hereditary shackles of feudalism and have been able to emerge proudly before the times and history as the genuine masters of the country, the powerful force turning one of the wheels of the revolution.

Our women who took a dramatic turn in their destiny under the tender care of President Kim Il Sung grew into the reliable ranks pushing ahead with the revolution and construction under the care of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Chairman Kim Jong Il saw to it that love and respect for women become a social trend by setting forth ideas and theories about women issues including the issue of training many women officials.

Though women performed a good deed of little worth, he let it be known throughout the country. He also firmly ensured women’s dignity and their social status.

Under the warm care of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, women of our country have become flowers of the country and family. Now women’s dignity and pride have reached its zenith thanks to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

The history of love and respect for women continues on this land by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who provided women with wonderful creations including a palace-like dormitory for workers, Breast Tumor Research Institute of Pyongyang Maternity Hospital and Okryu Children’s Hospital.

Under the meticulous care of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, surprising events have been created in our country-the first woman fighter pilots were born in our country, an ordinary worker has become a weaving heroine and a TV reporter is standing on the top of the world with her world’s longest reporting record.

On the contrary, many women are writhing in the miserable pits and are subjected to maltreatment in every part of the world. The reality teaches us a philosophical principle that women can preserve independent dignity and genuine life only when they have the great leaders.

Today women in our country are leading a genuine life as flowers of the country and family in the worthwhile struggle to bring about the general prosperity of socialism.