Immortal Feats of Leading Army

August 25 is a day of historic significance when Chairman Kim Jong Il left his first traces of guidance on our revolutionary armed forces.

The great General visited the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) on August 25, 1960. For 50-odd years since that day, he staunchly safeguarded the country, revolution and socialism by performing immortal feats for the building up of revolutionary armed forces.

During those historic days, he set the strengthening and developing of KPA into the army of the Party as a fundamental issue in the building of revolutionary armed forces and exerted the greatest effort to model the whole army on the revolutionary idea of the leader and to strengthen and develop it into the single-heartedly united military rank based on the spirit of defending the leader at the risk of one’s life.

Taking advantage of the collapse of socialism in several countries including the former Soviet Union, the allied imperialist force launched an intense, anti-socialist offensive against our country at the end of the last century. In the face of this, the great General braved all the difficulties of history by enhancing the fighting capacity of the army in every way, holding up the KPA as the main force and the pillar of revolution and conducting energetic field guidance, saying that socialism and the prosperity of the country and nation are guaranteed only by strong arms.

The great General, always in his plain field jacket, led the anti-U.S. confrontation and the battle for defending socialism to victory and also saw to it that the KPA would work miracles and perform feats not only as the main force of national defense but also as the vanguard unit and shock brigade in the main fronts of socialist construction for enhancement of people’s livelihood. His tireless effort is what shattered to pieces the anti-DPRK moves of the U.S. and what opened up a bright prospect for building a powerful, prosperous nation.

The world people, therefore, express their admiration as follows: The DPRK, though it’s not big in terms of size, gained decisive military ascendancy over the “sole superpower” of the world – the U.S. – and its allied forces against their isolation and stifle offensive in the face of adversity that would have collapsed any other country ten times over, a miracle that is ascribable to leader Kim Jong Il’s politics of attaching importance to national defense and his Songun revolutionary leadership.

Indeed, in the jungle of the world where incessant ravages of war generate millions of refugees wandering about, having deprived of their homes, our people’s safeguarding of independent dignity and worthwhile life cannot be thought of apart from the long journey of Songun made by the great General.

Today, our people are in their heyday of the development of the revolutionary armed forces as we have in high esteem, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the peerless, brilliant commander.

Under the sagacious leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, our revolutionary armed forces have been strengthened yet further as the one and only revolutionary armed forces of the Party in the world and our fatherland is now enjoying its prestige as the military power of the world that have in store the absolute guarantee for safety and future of the country and people.

The immortal feats of the great General who led the army and the cause of socialist construction of our own style to victory against the tribulations of history with the People’s Army as the main force of revolution will shine forever with the new history of Juche Korea thanks to respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.