State-Building Exploits to Shine for All Ages

Looking up at the blue-and-red national flag flying high in the sky of September, our people pay the highest tribute to President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, the founder and builder of our glorious Republic, and recollect with deep emotion the immortal state-building exploits of the peerless great men.

President Kim Il Sung defeated the gangster-like Japanese imperialists after going through 20-year-long bloody battles and achieved national liberation. On September 9, 1948, the President founded the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Since then, our people have become, for the first time in the 5000-year-long history, able to shape their own destiny independently as genuine masters of the state and society. And our country has been honored as a dignified independent sovereign state in the world.

It was only two years since its founding when our Republic fought the 3-year-long war which was to determine life or death of the country and nation, brought down the arrogant Yankees who had boasted of being the “strongest” in the world and gained a great victory - thanks to the brilliant strategy and tactics, and wise leadership of the President.

We also worked world-shaking miracles during the postwar reconstruction and realized the socialist industrialization in a short period of 14 years. These were all bright fruition of the outstanding ideology and leadership of the President.

He built an independent national economy which develops by dint of the country’s own efforts, technology and resources and is equipped with an all-round economic structure and modern technology. He also devoted himself to the building of self-defense capabilities that can firmly safeguard the dignity and sovereignty of the country and nation.

The President regarded the popular masses as the most precious and powerful beings of the world, implemented people-oriented policies including free medical service and free compulsory education and he saw to it that everything in the country served for the popular masses.

Recorded in the proud history of our Republic are the immortal, brilliant exploits accomplished by Chairman Kim Jong Il. During hard times when the imperialists’ moves went to extremes to eliminate the very existence of our Republic by isolation and suffocation, the Chairman held high the banner of Songun and wisely led the struggle to defend socialism by smashing every move of the imperialists.

Thanks to the wise leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un with matchless courage, grit and intelligence, our Republic has now emerged as a powerful socialist state, heralding a new era of prosperity and power, a period of overall development of the socialist construction.

Recently, when the whole world was shivering with anxiety and fear due to the spread of malignant virus, strong anti-epidemic measures for checking the inflow of the virus were taken one after another; and within a short period of 90-odd days since the top emergency anti-epidemic system was put into operation, the threatening challenge was overcome - a miracle in the anti-epidemic work - and we owe this to the outstanding leader who would selflessly dedicate himself to protection of the destiny of fatherland and people.

The victorious course of our Republic and its present dignified prestige speak eloquently of the truth: A great leader builds a great country, and only a great leader would lead the country and nation into prosperity and power.

Therefore, a foreign figure highly praised that the DPRK, which was consolidated into the fortress of socialism under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il to the wonder of the world, has now emerged as even a greater country thanks to Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Holding in high esteem respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the unparalleled great man recognized by the world, our people will build without fail a powerful socialist country on this land – the lifelong desire of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.