Origins of Universal 12-Year Compulsory Education System

Ten years ago, on September 25th, 2012, the 6th Session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK adopted the law on enforcing universal 12-year compulsory education by extending the term of compulsory education for children by one year.

At that time, our Party and state were faced with many urgent tasks of building a socialist power by changing the grief and sorrow caused by the sudden bereavement of the great Chairman into great strength and courage. To make matters worse, the economic state of the country was very difficult due to the ever-worsening moves of the imperialists aimed at stifling the DPRK.

The adoption of the law on the universal 12-year education at such a time was indeed a great and courageous decision that can only be made by the respected comrade Kim Jong Un who puts education as the most important task of the state for the bright future of the country which permits no delay or suspension, and spares nothing in this endeavor.

Given the global education development trend, increase in the period of education requires long-term and large-scale investment.

The UNESCO had once published its view, after analyzing the correlation between education period and economic growth rate of several countries, that economic growth rate increases 9% if education period is prolonged 1 year.

This illustrates that the more the education period is extended, the more benefits we can get in economic development and cultivation of the talented.

Yet, many countries in the world give careful consideration to the matter of extending education period even though they recognize the importance of education and besides, this is becoming an unimaginably tough task for countries unstable in politics and economy.

In our country, however, preparatory works to enforce the universal 12-year compulsory education system have been undergone in an accurate manner under the wise leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Everything necessary for education – matters of increasing the number of teachers and improving their qualifications and constructing new school buildings as per the requirement of new establishment of primary boarding schools and secondary boarding schools, and providing new stationary for students – have been completely solved at the expense of state. Like this, after 1-year preparation, the 12-year compulsory education system has entered into operation since 2014.

Today, our children and students are giving full play to their desires and dreams of learning thanks to the universal 12-year compulsory education system and they are fully displaying their distinguishing talents in various international stages like the International Polish Grand Music Competition-Festival dedicated to Fryderyk Chopin and World Memory Championships, arousing admiration of the world.

As we have children learning to their hearts’ content with such an excellent education condition and environment, the future of our fatherland will always be bright and promising.