Immortal Exploits Shining in History of Juche-oriented Youth Movement

On August 28, the Youth Day, people and the youth of our country are recollecting with deep emotion the immortal exploits of peerless great men who created and fully embodied the idea of Juche-oriented youth movement, thereby perfectly solving the youth problem.

Today in our country the status and role of the youth have developed onto the highest stage and the whole country is advancing full of vim and vigor inspired by the inexhaustible strength, passion, noble spiritual and moral traits of the youth. This is unthinkable apart from the imperishable exploits of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who created and brilliantly embodied the idea of Juche-oriented youth movement.

For every country and nation, how to solve the youth problem is the matter of life and death.

That is because the prospect and destiny of the country and nation are decided by whether young people become vigor of society and stimulus to development or become the problem of society and seed of tragedy.

Since the start of the revolution, President Kim Il Sung regarded the youth issue as the important one related to the destiny of the revolution and nation and created the idea of Juche-oriented youth movement. This idea defines young people as a new militant unit that forms the motive force of the revolution and as a powerful force that accelerates the social development. It stipulates that the honorable mission to continue the revolution rests with young people.

Upholding his Juche-oriented idea on youth movement, our young people created miracles in every stage and every period of revolution, i.e. the arduous armed struggle against Japanese imperialists, construction of new fatherland, Fatherland Liberation War, and post-war reconstruction, and during this period, a guarantee for youth power was provided in our country.

Chairman Kim Jong Il unfolded the President’s politics of giving importance to young people on a new high stage. He said that nothing is impossible as long as the party, army and the youth are strong. And he firmly laid the foundations for building a youth power by giving prominence to the young people as the main force of revolution and the young vanguard.

Entering the new century of Juche, the respected General Secretary expressed his will and determination to open up a new heyday in the youth movement as required by the development of revolution. He unfolded a new history of the youth power on this land by brilliantly carrying forward the politics of giving importance to young people that was carried out by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il during their lifetime.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un regards the youth as the spiritual mainstay and strong pivot of our Party, and as the most vigorous rank of society. Under his warm care, our youth have grown into brave warriors in implementing the revolutionary cause of Juche and into possessors of communist virtues and traits. They are now achieving miracles and feats in every major field of socialist construction and demonstrating to the full the spirit of the Korean youth.

This is a true appearance of our young people which is in sharp contrast to those in the U.S., Japan and other countries. Many young people in these countries, having completely lost their hopes, are committing various crimes such as murder, theft, robbery and drug-related crime, arousing people’s anxiety and concern.

Our peerless great leaders set the principle of giving priority to the youth as the most important task of national affairs and as the strategic line of our revolution and have wisely led the Korean youth movement. Thanks to the imperishable exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and the wise leadership of the respected General Secretary, our country, in the future too, will fully display the might of the youth power.