Genuine Life Brought by Liberation

The Japanese imperialists in the past enforced brutal colonial rule occupying Korea for nearly half a century and inflicted indescribable pain and misery on our people.

Under the tyranny of the Japanese imperialists, Korean people were deprived of their own language and even their family names and given names. They were driven out to an alien land to live there for they had not even an inch of ground to be buried. Since they were deprived of their own country they had no other choice but to suffer humiliation of raising other’s flag even after winning at international stages.

At the gloomy time when the nation’s soul was trampled underfoot by the Japanese imperialists and even the country name Korea dimmed on the world map, the peerless iron-willed brilliant commander Comrade Kim Il Sung achieved liberation of the fatherland through twenty-year-long arduous anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. So the path to national revival opened up on this land and our people have begun to enjoy genuine life.

To attain the long-cherished desire of the people eagerly aspiring toward a motherland and an army that could firmly protect their destiny, President Kim Il Sung accomplished the cause of founding the Party immediately after the liberation and founded the country and army of the people placing our people as proud masters of independent and sovereign country, and gave eternal vitality to our motherland.

Afterwards, democratic reforms, including land reform, nationalization of major industries, gender equality and proclamation of the Labor Law were enforced one after another. So the age-old desire of the peasants for land was gratified, the workers became masters of factories and women went out to build a new society exercising equal rights with men.

Taxation system was completely abolished and our people could enjoy a happy and worthwhile life receiving all the social benefits such as eight-hour working system, maternity leave, recuperation and relaxation system, free medical service and free education.

Thus, our people, who had been suffering under the yoke of colonial slavery, were reborn in the new Korea retrieved by President Kim Il Sung and a genuine home of people was built on this land with the enforcement of democratic reforms.

Today, the blessed life that our people have enjoyed to their hearts’ content in the socialist motherland, patriotic heritage handed down by President Kim Il Sung, is thriving more than ever in the warm embrace of the General Secretary who is endowed with boundless love for the people.