Mt. Paektu—the Sacred Mountain of Revolution

    Mt Paektu is the sacred mountain of revolution that rises in the East displaying the heroic spirit and wisdom of Juche Korea. 

    Mt. Paektu is 2 750 meters high. It is the highest and majestic mountain in Korea and is situated in the northern part of Samjiyon City, Ryanggang Province. 

    There are many mountains in the world that boast of their height and natural scenery. 

    But the human history records no mountains but Mt. Paektu that is brilliant with the august names of the great leaders of the century. 

    Every range of Mt. Paektu is filled with immortal feats of President Kim Il Sung who achieved the historical cause of national liberation through long bloody battles. 

    Mt. Paektu is the native place where Chairman Kim Jong Il was born and grew up and is the sacred place of revolution where he fostered his will and pluck to continue the revolution. 

    Mt. Paektu marks with the immortal feats of anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk who was wholeheartedly loyal to President Kim Il Sung and who brought up the future of Korea. 

    There is the Paektusan area secret camp that was the leadership centre and the strategic base of the Korean revolution whose axis is the anti-Japanese armed struggle organized and led by President Kim Il Sung. There are many revolutionary and battle sites around the camp. 

    Every hill, stream, tree and grass is permeated with the brilliant revolutionary history and fighting exploits of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu and with the blood of anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners. 

    From olden times, Mt. Paektu has been called the ancestral mountain as all the mountains in the country were rooted from it. It is known as a renowned mountain of Korea for its beautiful, sublime and grand sceneries. 

    It was scientifically explained that the Great Paektu Mountains stretches from Mt. Paektu to Kujae Peak on the Coast of South Sea of Korea and that all the main mountain ranges of Korea were rooted from Mt. Paektu. The scientific explanation proves once again that the Korean nation is the nation that has been living on one land creating the time-honoured history and culture of 5 000 years and that Mt. Paektu is the ancestral mountain of Korea. 

    Formed by the several volcanic eruptions and their development, nature of Mt. Paektu is very specific. 

    Mt. Paektu has the peaks of different shapes and heights and very steep cliffs. 

    The highest of Mt. Paektu is the Janggun Peak (2 750m) and there are more than 20 peaks whose heights are more than 2 500m above the sea level. 

    The scenery of Mt. Paektu is as beautiful as the collection of beautiful ones of the world. 

    Jong Il Peak on Mt. Paektu is the revolutionary peak of Korea guarding the native home of Chairman Kim Jong Il in the Paektusan secret camp. 

    Mt. Paektu has the typical alpine climate as it is high above the sea level. 

    The climate of Mt. Paektu is so various that it changes several times a day. 

    The winter in Mt. Paektu is so severe and the temperature is about 40 degrees Celsius below zero. 

    There are many big and small lakes including Lake Chon and springs in the Mt. Paektu area. 

    Many species of animals and birds like tiger, leopard, musk, deer, brown bear, etc. live there. 

    There are about 2 700 species of plants including rhododendron, the indigenous plant of Mt. Paektu blooming beautifully and fragrantly for the first in snow. 

    Mt. Paektu became the Paektusan Revolutionary Battle Site Specially Reserved Area since August 1985 and Mt. Paektu area reserve was recorded as the world reserve of biosphere in April 1989. 

    Sunrise of Mt. Paektu is the most beautiful scenery. 

    The sunrise on Mt. Paektu is the first of Korea’s beautiful sceneries for its grand scenic beauty. 

   The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited Mt. Paektu which was making wonders of nature with blizzard and strong wind in April 2015. He overviewed the sun rise and said with a bright smile on his face; it was really beautiful; the spirit of Mt. Paektu is always grand; the sun rise on Mt. Paektu is marvelous and beautiful scenery that can’t be seen anywhere; dawn of Korea, the land of morning calm is lighted from Mt. Paektu. 

    He continued; one can get to know the reality of Mt. Paektu, experience the blizzards of Paektu and make firm decision to accomplish the Korean revolution to the last only when he climbs on Mt. Paektu. He said the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of blizzards of Paektu is the noble spirit that the Korean people and army should keep in mind forever. 

    Mt. Paektu is, indeed, the cradle and of Korean revolution, the sacred mountain of revolution and is the ancestral mountain.