Forest Restoration – Far-reaching Patriotic Work

March 21 is the International Day of Forests.

Forests not only afford necessary material wealth to the humankind but also protect soil by preventing floods and landslides, preserve biodiversity, and provide cultural tourist attractions. Forests are also an important resource for addressing the climate change, a serious global problem.

However, due to the human practices of destroying forests and the damage from forest fire, etc., the world forest area is continuously shrinking, and approximately 10 million hectares of forests are said to have been destroyed annually since 1990.

Hence, an urgent restoration of forests has become an important issue worldwide, permitting of no further delay, and the international efforts for restoration of forests are intensified. At the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in the United Kingdom in November 2021, more than 100 countries committed to end the deforestation by 2030.

In our country where mountains occupy most of the territory, forest restoration is vigorously pushed ahead under the wise leadership of respected Comrade           Kim Jong Un.

On February 26, 2015, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un published an important work - a guideline for forest restoration where he characterized the forest restoration as the greatest patriotic work and a war on nature to be undertaken for the sake of strong development of the country as well as for prosperity of the generations to come.

He set the task for building modern nurseries in all provinces across the country, saying that nurseries can be compared to the powerful arsenals for forest restoration. In order to build the Tree Nursery No. 122 into a model and a standard of nurseries of our country, he provided energetic guidance by visiting the dusty construction site several times.

He also visited the Tree Nursery of Kangwon Province in the midsummer heat, and spent hours with all his devotion, teaching the directions and solutions one by one for increasing the sapling production capacity.

In order to bring earlier the future of the country covered with fresh green plants, he personally planted trees on several occasions, thus kindling the flames of patriotism across the country.

Thanks to the leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who devotes his all to the country and people, great advances have been made in the work for afforestation and forest conservancy in our country during past years: modern nurseries have been built in many places; sapling production capabilities increased; large areas newly afforested; and information service system for monitoring the forest fire developed, etc.

As all people of the country have accepted the forest restoration as a far-reaching patriotic work and been mobilized for the forest restoration under the energetic leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, all mountains of the country will be converted into "golden mountains", "treasure mountains" in the near future.